AYANAyan, the coolest summer release, is a full-time commercial entertainer and actor surya’s expected blockbuster movie after the tremendous hit of varanam aayiram. Tamanah is expected to create hot waves in the hearts of youngsters with her beauty and striking performance in this particular movie.

The songs are really appealing and harris jayaraj has once again struck with his music. Surya plays a soft role in the first part and becomes a romeo in the second part. Jagan and karunas have played the comedy role along with surya.

Just copy and paste the following URLs:

Satyam: http://www.thecinema.in/Default.aspx

INOX: http://www.inoxmovies.com/inox/wcms/en/home/insta-tickets/index.html;jsessionid=12A8DF489C8708EBCC068A4E0E335C78

Abirami: http://www.abirami.in/booking.html

Mayajaal: http://www.mayajaal.com/site/defaultmovies.asp

Sangam: http://www.ticketnew.com/NewOnlineTheatre/Theatre/DashBoardOnline.aspx?VenueID=MQ==-9ua1LJKgM64=

~ by svswamy26 on April 3, 2009.

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